On the 6th Day of Celebration, the Brethren Court gave to ye... 
Tattoos & Decorations,
Double XP,

Find-A-Crew in Lobbies,
All-New Voodoo Dolls,
Candy Cane codes,
And Better Moonstone Drops!

Festive Greetings,

Ink collectors rejoice for I be something of a tattoo artist myself if I do say so myself! Starting today, if you have spare moonstones in your purse, the Yuletide Manor now offers festive Winter Tattoos to decorate yourself with!

Now, speaking of decorating, everyone has been quite eager to decorate their newly renovated interiors for the holiday season. Upon hearing such festive cheer, it did bring a joyful grin to both me face and me wallet, this I assure you and I've made sure to spread the festive cheer across the Caribbean this year by helping every shop, store, house and shack decorate for our Winter Festival.

From competing tattoo parlors to meetups and hangouts, you'll find they're all properly in the festive spirit and their decorations show it!

Hope to see you around the manor this year to get some festive ink from yours truly!