On the 5th Day of Celebration, the Brethren Court gave to ye... 
Double XP,
Find-A-Crew in Lobbies,
All-New Voodoo Dolls,
Candy Cane codes,
And Better Moonstone Drops!

Ye heard right, me hearties! The Brethren Court be celebratin' the Holidays most generously again this year.

Once again, from December 18th to 21st @ 11:59PM Eastern, they be grantin' Double Reputation to all ye scallywags and pirates alike. Aye, Double XP be available for all ye plunders and pillagers on both land and sea!

Oh and don't ye be forgettin' that this be the best time to brush up on yer potion makin' and catchin' those legendary fish ye be tellin' tall tales about already! So, what are ye waitin' fer? Get out there and fill up ye cargo holds, level up ye best or worst weapons, master ye potions or yer fishin'!

Did ye know the potions were completely revamped earlier this year? Ye can make yer weapons do more damage by drinking some damage potions, and more! Ye can even make yer pirate super fart too! Visit a Gypsy and brew some potions!

Happy Holidays to ye!

~ Johnny McVane