New Game Content

This is the one-stop place to go to learn about all the exciting original new content in The Legend of Pirates Online!
We didn’t stop at recreating the game, we have been continuously releasing brand-new content to the game over the years! This page spotlights a few of the updates we’ve made!
Bilgewater Island & Chapter 5 NEW!

Bilgewater is a brand-new high level island. Bilgewater includes new story chapter content "Chapter 5: Keepers of the Code", and as such requires completion of all previous story chapters. Complete "Chapter 3: The Black Pearl" and the brand new "Chapter 4: Search for the Headstone" to unlock Bilgewater!
Yer work to get here will not go unrewarded!
Read more »Bilgewater is the home port of the Keepers of the Code. Up until recently, it was hidden to the outside world by a thick cloud of fog through powers of Madame Bernadette's mysticism. Take heed Pirate, the townsfolk here be wary of outsiders visiting their island! Ye must gain their trust by completing "Chapter 5: Keepers of the Code" and be rewarded with brand new cosmetics, loot, and more — for a hefty sum of gold, that is.
This location may be familiar to the oldest of pirates, having seen a glimpse of it in the earliest days of the Caribbean in 2006. Although it was never available to the public, this island was shown in many of the original trailers and in-person showcases before the original game’s release in 2007. We have brought it back through painstaking work; involving retexturing, remodeling, significant world optimizations, and a LOT more small details.
Although the main island is reminiscent of the trailers, the Mountaintop, the interiors, Everlasting Falls, and The Gilded Quarry are entirely original creations! They did not exist in any form previously. Visit Everlasting Falls and navigate amongst it’s tree roots avoiding those pesky hornets; or wade through the shallow waters of The Gilded Quarry and hope to not be surrounded by Jolly Roger's newest shiny threat.
Story Quest: Chapter 4 NEW!
TLOPO’s first story chapter quest expansion, "Chapter 4: Search for the Headstone", picks up where "Chapter 3: The Black Pearl" leaves off. The whispers of the mythical Headstone be too much to ignore. After returning dear Jack his beloved Pearl, ye are sent to Padres del Fuego to find Valentina and to start looking. Meet up with some old friends as ye work to pick apart fact from fiction in yer attempt to track down information about the Headstone.
This expansion follows the style of Raven’s Cove questing, while adding the brand new system of meaningful dialog choices. Watch yer lip Pirate, yer choices will actually affect the world and which quests ye will recieve!
This chapter incorporates one of the last remaining cutscenes from the original game. Some older pirates may remember seeing this in POTCO's Beta. However, what follows after is original content from the TLOPO team. Because there was very little information on what this quest would have included, we've written our own story that we're sure ye will enjoy!

The path of the Headstone takes ye to the depths of Padres Del Fuego. Only time will reveal what ye find lurking there...
Ye must complete "Chapter 3: The Black Pearl" to recieve this quest. Luckily, ye can now bribe yer way through Chapter 3 if ye have enough gold...

Create yer own lobbies or join an existing one to group up with other pirates easily. Head into the lobbies menu through yer seachest (tab) or simply press L to open it immediately.
NOTE: Lobbies requires ye to at least have completed the tutorial quest to get yer pistol in order use lobbies.
Lobbies is TLOPO’s solution to replacing the old matchmaking system. The previous matchmaking system had many issues, and only supported very limited game modes. Lobbies overhauls this system by allowing players to create lobbies for nearly anything they can imagine. This streamlines the process of finding other pirates to play with.
Want to find a group looting at yer favorite boss? Head into the Lobbies menu through yer seachest, or by pressing L on yer keyboard. Select a lobby and join it! Ye'll be transported to the leader when it is started. And in the case of crew lobbies, they are persistent even after they've been started.
If ye don't see what ye’re looking for already created, create yer own lobby! Ye should have willing pirates joining to play with ye in no time!
Hollowed Woods
What used to be a quaint mining town is now overrun by Jolly Roger’s minions. Every Halloween, the entrance of
this mysterious jungle reopens and pirates are tasked with defeating The Watcher and ridding the jungle of her
evil presence.
Throughout the duration of this event, different types of bones will drop in loot. Players can use the bones they obtained by visiting shops inside the Hollowed Woods game event area, each offering their own unique products to be

These items are only available for purchase while the event is active, so if ye have leftover bones be sure to use them next year!
Quality of Life

As the game has progressed, the team has made several changes to improve yer experience in the Caribbean.
One of our first features was the introduction of the second inventory page, allowing pirates to carry more weapons and clothes.
Many more are not listed here, we continuously add more of these features all the time!
Quest Rewards vendors also have made their way to the Caribbean. If ye have trashed a quest item in the past, ye can now
repurchase it from one of these vendors.
Ship Captains can now kick unruly pirates off their ships. This feature was once only available to privateers but now is
available for all captains to use.
Guilds have been expanded to include the new rank of Co-Guildmaster, which allows the Guildmaster to delegate several of their duties off to other prominent members in the guild.
Additionally, Crew Leaders now have the ability to promote other members to the Crew Leader.
New advanced sound options have been added to the game options to better customize yer experience. Don’t like a sound?
turn off that category! Sound too loud or too quiet? Use this feature to balance the sounds to yer liking.
New Items & Expanded Customization
We have implemented many more new clothing options, such as colorable bonnets and long skirts for female pirates; and colorable long coats, puffy shirts, and puffy shorts for male pirates!
New sleeve tattoos can now be bought from Nina Perpetua in the Las Pulgas tattoo shop on Padres del Fuego. Several new intimidating face tattoos can now be purchased from the SvS and PvP tattoo vendors. These are only available for the savviest privateers and PvPers, so be sure to rank up yer Infamy!
All new bright colors are now lootable. Ye can now make yer pirate inventory even more colorful to yer heart's content, savvy? The new colors are: Electric Blue, Bright Pink, Bright Purple, and Gold.

All-new legendaries have been appearing across the Caribbean, The Cursed Blade of Yore, The Krakenslayer, The Lost Blade of Leviathan, Calypso’s Radiance, and Mercer’s Pistol are a few of the fifteen new legendary weapons now in the Caribbean... can ye loot them all?
Many clothing items that were previously only available to male pirates, such as the Dark Ostrich hat, are now available for female pirates to wear!
Forsaken Shallows

Forsaken Shallows is a new area that was added on Isla Tormenta.
Here, pirates can find many more challenging enemies to fight, including the brand-new Spout! This new
location also features several high leveled bosses, each dropping their own unique and coveted weapons.
Gather yer crew and find them all! And be on the lookout for any... unusual areas.
The long-awaited Pypperoni update is now live! This update brought significant performance improvements to the game, a full client rewrite to support Panda3D 1.11 & Python 3, and is our first official 64-bit Windows release. Pypperoni is a 64-bit overhaul of our behind-the-scenes functions, allowing for crisper graphics, improved frame rates and a much smoother gameplay experience.
Expanded Holidays

To spice up the holidays, the team has made a concerted effort to make each holiday unique. The St. Patrick’s Day Quest now accompanies the green water, complete the quest and ye will be rewarded with a 2x reputation bonus and an all new sea charm!
The Yuletide Manor opens just in time for Christmas every year. Pirates can visit the Frost family and buy some very exclusive items in exchange for moonstones, which can be be found in loot during the holiday. Moonstones come in three different varieties, small, large, and enchanted. Make sure ye obtain large amounts of each and buy as many of the items as yer inventory can handle!
Every Valentine’s Day, The Pirate Valentine quest reappears! But unlike before, the reward is quite a blast: The Valentine’s Heart Grenade. Visit Erin Amorous to embark on this lovely adventure and help Sid Tackem!
On the Horizon
Despite TLOPO being made up of a team of volunteers, this is our passion project, thus we are continuously thinking up new content. The latest two story quest expansions, "Chapter 4: Search for the Headstone" and "Chapter 5: Keepers of the Code" were the result of years of planning and content development by many talented individuals. Our plans include much more than we’ve released and shown thus far.
Let’s just say we have no intentions of stopping at Chapter 5! We will continue to provide more information on this as it becomes available.