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System Requirements

Hardware Minimum Recommended
Operating System Windows 8/8.1 / macOS Yosemite1 Windows 10 / macOS El Capitan (10.11) or newer
Hard drive space 800 MB 2GB or more
RAM 2GB 8GB or more
CPU Dual-core CPU @ 2GHz Quad-core CPU or better @ 3GHz or higher
Graphics Card OpenGL-compatible card with at least 256 MB of graphics memory OpenGL-compatible card with at least 1 GB of graphics memory
Internet Connection Any internet connection Broadband Connection or greater

1. The Legend of Pirates Online may work on macOS 10.9 or below, but due to their age they are not officially supported by our launcher.


Latest Update

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3-18-2025 tlopo-pyp-v1.12.29


  • Added five, new, St. Patrick's themed hats to the loot pool for Patricio Luckless.
    • There are four exclusive gauchos and one ostrich hat.
  • Getting KO'ed while groggy will now send you directly to jail instead of knocking you back down.
  • Updated the inventory icon for Mossman's Hollow to make it visually distinct from The Soulweaver.
  • Buffed Mossman's Hollow.
    • Added Resolve +1, removed Obviate +3, buffed Renew +2 to +3, removed Captain's Resolve, added Evil Eye.
    • This change was supposed to hit our Test Server first, but was incidentally pushed straight to Production! Have feedback? Send it to us via the Test Server (if you're a Tester) or through our in-game feedback option.
  • Added a pop-up message for when a fishing spot is already in use.


  • Coldsteel Cutlass now correctly features a blue trail instead of a gold one.
  • Crew rep bonus should now correctly apply to potion making.