Ahoy there!

Did ye all enjoy a luck-filled double loot weekend? Find any legendary weapons?

Well, fret not that the double loot event is over, for we still have the Saint Patrick's Day celebration underway! Say, mate, do ye happen to be wearing any green? Ye know what happens to pirates not wearin' green this time o' year!

But, in case ye don’t happen to own a green garment, ye can redeem the code green and get a freebie!

BUT! If ye want something extra special, the unfortunate Patricio Luckless now has five special hats to loot! All in a tantalizing shade of green, of course. There be four all-new gauchos and one exclusive ostrich hat! If ye be of the particularly observational sort, ye may recognize the ostrich hat from one of our Crossbone Crew members in-game. These hats be available for the duration of the Saint Patrick’s Day event; if ye miss them this year, they’ll come back around the next!

Finally, if ye like the image we made fer this post, we put it up as a wallpaper fer ye to enjoy! Ye can find the Wallpapers page under the Codex menu bar.

Anyways, mateys, that be all from us for now. Don’t fret, though! We are hard at work on new features and game improvements! Stay tuned for more!

NOTE: The exclusive ostrich hat will be added to Patricio Luckless loot within the next 24 hours.