Ahoy, mates! It be me again!

For the month of March, we Peddlers bring ye new outfits! Available at any of our stores, we have three new, and very green, outfits available to ye!

For our first, we have the Town Mayor’s Outfit. Do ye ever wish ye could flaunt yer style as much as ye flaunt yer money? Well, mate, this outfit be fer ye! This green-themed, top-hat-topped outfit’ll let every scoundrel within a mile radius know ye mean but two things; money and more money.

Next, we have the Emerald Duelist! Are ye very proficient with a cutlass? Do ye like riskin’ yer life over a spilled drink or small insult? Well, matey, this garb is certainly for ye. Show off yer dueling skills as proudly as ye flaunt yer weapons!

And for our last and greenest outfit, we have the St. Patrick’s Day outfit! These threads’ll surely show any pirate in the Faithful Bride ye prefer a pot over a treasure chest and that ye be luckier than most!

Oh, and one more thing, we still have some leftovers from last month’s selections. In particular, the Admiral and the Mighty Mariner. If ye want to get a hold o’ any of these, I’d hurry down to any of us sooner than later; they won’t be here come next month!

Anyways, mates, that be all from me fer now. Fair winds!

-Monger Morton