Ahoy everyone!

It's the first of the month, you know what that means... another edition of the Clever Corsairs! Can you believe it's September already? I sure can't! Time sure flies...

This edition will see a more traditional trivia format, I know last month was pretty challenging, but if yer truly the most clever, yer always up for the challenge!

A tip of the cap... or ostrich hat, if you will, to last month's winners once again: Bogman, Elizabeth O'Hara, Basil Bridgebain, Frosty the Jumper, and Ichabod Greaseswine. Fuerte and Benevolence was well represented, sharp bunch you all have!

Anyways... as always, I have to remind you of the rules before we begin... I know rules aren't exactly a pirate's strong suit!

-All answers must be submitted in the COMMENTS SECTION of the respective post.

-Submissions must be numbered and submitted in the following way:

1 . Speedy Lou, 2. Fish, 3. Crab, 5. Compass, 6. Bilgewater, 7. Speedy Lou, 8. Cutlass, 9. Kingshead, 10. Jolly Roger

-Each numbered answer must match its numbered question, we can’t read minds!

-Only one submission per person, we will know if you are using multiple accounts for a submission!

-Submissions must only contain the answers to be considered. No bug reports/suggestions here!

-If a submission doesn’t follow the listed rules, it will be disregarded.

-Reread your post to ensure you’re happy with it before submitting!

Oh, one friendly tip… in our comments section, you can choose which pirate name you’re commenting with. Before posting, double check you’re posting under the pirate name you wish to be commenting as!

Okay... now for the trivia

METHOD: Pirate Trivia
1. How much pine does it take to upgrade a War Sloop from Rank V (5) to Rank VI (6) Stormchaser?
2. How many crewmate recruits are there in The Black Pearl Crew story quest?
3. Who is Romany Bev's sister?
4. Who is known as the King of Tortuga?
5. Who on Bilgewater has jellylegs?
6. Whose crypt is located on Isla Cangrejos?
7. Which ocean can Outcast Isle be found in?
8. Who is the musician in Avaricia's tavern?
9. Which shipwright is known as one-hundred fires?
10. Where can the captain of the USS Enterprise be found?

I can't wait to see what you all come up with! Good luck, keep an eye out for the winners a week from now.

Keep yer wits sharp,