Pssst... pirate. Over here. Aye, tis me. Rosetta Zimm...  Come closer, I has a secret code to pass on to ye... 

No, it's NOT Scoundrel!

Aye, mate it is a secret code but that's the OLD code. Ya, I know I've been using that one a lot, but a little birdie told me about a NEW secret code.

Tis for a rarer hat. Scoundrel used to be rare, but methinks no more. Nay, this hat was given out just one time many moons ago. Its wearers have affectionately nicknamed it the Taco Hat. Nay, tis not its official name, it goes by "Fire Admiral Hat."

But for me own purposes, the code is TACOHAT. Got that? 

Just open yer Sea Chest and go to Redeem Code. Whisper this secret code into it. And there ye have it. This hasn't been around long before, and it shan't be now either. The code will expire on January 5th.

An' mate, ye might keep a sharp eye on the horizon, I've been hearing more fun things be comin' into port this holiday season.