Ahoy, everyone!

With quarantine measures taking place around the country, we have decided to host a few events for the community to enjoy during these peculiar times, and to celebrate the upcoming summer.

Beyond the Double Loot and Double Experience events, we thought it would be nice to bring back the Hollowed Woods for everyone to enjoy. The Hollowed Woods is opening today, and will be open until May 31st

The Hollowed Woods will be exactly how it is during the month of October, the quests will remain and the reward shops will be open for players wishing to trade in their bones! If you haven’t taken part in this event before, we strongly encourage you to do so!

We understand it isn’t quite Halloween yet but we thought this would offer a nice peace of mind for players all around the world. We hope you have been enjoying the events so far, we have more fun content coming soon!

- The Crew