Happy Valentine's Day, me hearties!

It seems that Cupid has been very busy as of late. Many of the lads and lasses be flirtin' like never before with this new /flirt pick-up line! Have ye been stuck by his arrow?

Maybe ye need to be lookin' the part first. Be sure to pick up the Valentine's Day outfit if ye haven't got it yet. Might help ya to look the part when using said /flirt.

If worse comes to worse, get the Valentine's Heart Grenade by completeing the Valentine's Day quest to use on the one you love. I mean to use to impress the one you love by using them on the undead or maybe those Navy Swine. Please don't be knockin your true love out with the grenade, they'll never talk to ye again if ye do. Find Erin Amorous in the Rowdy rooster and he'll set ye on yer way.

Oh, and as a special treat, check out any Musician to hear a brand new track: Red is the Rose

Remember, the Valentine's Day quest and outfit will be available till February 16th!