Ahoy and Happy Holidays to ye!

On the 4th day of Celebration, the Brethren Court gave to ye... Double XP!

What be Bringin' ye to the King's Arm? Ye wantin' to hear the music or maybe get a grog? Or are ye lookin' for news of the goin's on around the Caribbean?

Well, the latest news be that there be Double XP comin' to ya from December 17th through December 20th. Other pirates already been planin' on how they'll be usin' it for levelin' up their weapons in the Gold Room at the Cursed Caverns. Just one lad came in about an hour ago now sayin' he'll be usin' it for levelin' up his fishin'! Said he been dreamin' of catching Legendary Fish, 'specially that Fire Dragon. Then there were a lass who was talkin' about levelin' up her Potions with that Double XP. Said he be wantin' to become a potions master!

Another said they'd be sailing and raiding Flagships, and ye can too because boarding permissions and Flagships have finally been fixed. In addition to this, the bug with launching your ship and appearing on the wrong server has been fixed too

So, what will ye be doin' with yer Double XP? See ye tomorrow for more updates!

Fair winds mates,
-- Johnny McVane