
The Caribbean has been buzzin' with life lately.  It's great to see all of ye havin' fun and enjoyin' the holidays.  I come today bearing more gifts!

I got meself a new shipment today.  Some buffoon brought me far more than what I asked for, so I decided to hand these out for free instead of watchin' 'em rust away.  This shipment just so happens to be holiday-edition', so redeem it while ye can!

I've got two things to offer ye: Red Candy Cane Sabre and Green Candy Cane Sabre. These things be so pointy that ye can pick yer teeth with 'em!

Redeem the code redcane12days to obtain the Red Candy Cane Sabre and the code greencane12days for the Green Candy Cane Sabre.  I personally prefer the Red sabre it's so... Cool!  Heh, maybe I should drop the jokes and stick to blacksmithin'.  Now, act fast... this offerin' is only available until January 2nd!

That's it for today mates, see ye around!  Happy Holidays!