The Caribbean be a vile and dangerous place! Rife with skeletons, ghosts, and other ungodly creatures. Us being pirates, we know a thing or two about protecting ourselves… savvy?

Truly, the sword is a staple for every pirate. It’s versatile, classic, and easy to learn. If you’re a novice pirate, this is probably your best bet for surviving in the Caribbean. It also comes in three types: the mighty broadsword, the classic cutlass, and the piercing sabre.
The broadsword is a large and heavy piece of metal. While it requires some strength to wield, its length lets you damage multiple enemies at once. The sabre is the opposite of the broadsword in almost every way; it’s small, light, and can quickly hack away at a single enemy. The cutlass is a pirate’s meat and potatoes. It stands in the middle, not too light, not to heavy, and allows a good balance of damage.

When you need to attack something from long range, or don’t want to risk getting up close and personal with some freakish thing you’ve uncovered, a gun is your best bet. You can find a large variety of them scattered throughout the Caribbean.
There are so many types of guns to choose from. The classic pistol allows for a single shot before reloading, but still gets the job done. The repeater pistol is handled the same way, but as it is so aptly named, can fire multiple shots before reloading. Bayonets and muskets were… donated to pirates from our friends at the Navy, and they work pretty well too. They offer the ability to attack an enemy from afar. The blunderbuss is the last of the guns ye’ll encounter in the Caribbean. While it doesn’t provide good range like muskets, it provides much more attack power. But be wary, it has a long reload time.

Daggers are for pirates that wish to be quick and dirty with their combat technique. Pirates can alternate between hacking away with swift slashes up front and throwing special knives from afar.
These knives include the Adder, which infects your enemies with a deadly poison; the Sidewinder, a large curved knife to dig into a skeleton’s ribcage; and Viper’s Nest, a barrage of knives you can throw all at once! Oh, and if yer feeling like playing dirty, you can throw some sand into your opponent’s face!
If you are especially keen on ranged dagger combat, you may find throwing knives to be more your style. Knives work the exact same way as a dagger, but ye’ll never have to get up close with an enemy. Fancy, ain’t it?

Grenades are for all those bombastic pirates out there… heh heh, get it? Just be careful, if your aim is weak, you may accidentally hit yourself with some shrapnel! Won’t be fun getting stitches after that…
Players can alternate between a variety of ammo types, whether it be the classic grenade or some other more crazy choices. Stink Pot is laced with a noxious gas that’ll make your enemies gag! Fire Bomb is exactly what it sounds like, you can set your enemies on fire! Why not? Smoke Bomb is great for disorienting your foes as you flee. And if you’re feeling especially dangerous, you can toss a few siege charges at your enemies (they’re basically cannonballs).

Voodoo Doll
Popular among Tia Dalma’s web of gypsies, the voodoo doll is a staple for any pirate that wishes to dabble in the dark arts. If you’re properly trained, the voodoo doll can become quite the powerful weapon. You can attune multiple enemies, thus allowing a single attack to damage them all at the same time. What kind of attacks can you deal, you say? Well, quite a bit!
The Poke skill sounds relatively weak, but don’t underestimate it. What may seem like a small jab to the doll does much more damage to your enemy, and may even restore some of yer precious Voodoo. Swarm summons a group of bugs to surround and disorient your enemies. You can heal your allies with two different skills of varying strengths, depending on how much of a voodoo master you are… Oh, also, you can suck the very life out of your victims and use it for yourself… mwahahhaha! Um, I mean… neat!
Once ye have mastered the art of the basic Voodoo Doll, pick yourself up one of the brand new Voodoo Doll types. These will allow ye to specialize yer Voodoo skills in a specific area! Spirit dolls be great at healing your fellow pirates, while Bane dolls deal severe damage to yer foes. If you’re always running into a fight head first, maybe the Mojo doll be yer style. Of course, ye can stick with the classic doll, if ye want a little of everything…

Voodoo Staff
Is the Voodoo Doll not flashy enough for you? Fine, we’ve got something better: The voodoo staff. Voodoo Staves are reserved for only the most powerful and well-trained voodoo masters. With a Voodoo Staff, you can unleash various mystical powers upon your enemies.
Soul Flay sends spiritual energy into your foe. This may sound like sparkles and rainbows to you, but it can actually do some damage! Pestilence summons a pool of green acid to be thrown at your foes. Wait, what? Acid? That seems a little cruel doesn’t it? Last but not least, you have two powerful skills that engulf your foes in a whirlwind. You can use them to scare your enemies half to death… or all the way.

When at sea with your crew, grabbing a cannon is the best way to aid in a raid. As you hone your skills, a variety of different options will become available. Why just stick to a simple cannonball when you can shoot fire, explosives, and even lightning at your targets? Yes… lightning.
Also, if you’re feeling TREACHEROUS… erm, I mean, willing to help the Navy, you can visit a Cannonmaster on Port Royal, Tortuga, or Padres Del Fuego to help take down some bandits. Ye see, some other pirates just don’t have respect for the code and go about raiding every little town they see. It has to stop!